About me

My name is Svenja Ammann, I'm 21 years old and live in Tarasp. I'm living here, in the middle of this gorgeous mountain scenery since I am five years old. I'm very passionate about the running sport and since almost five years also about crosscountry skiing. Compared to others, I discovered my passion relatively late. For many years it wasn't clear if I could ever do competitive sports, due to a birth ailment on the hip. 
About eight years ago I ran my first ever race, the "Unterengadiner Sommerlauf" in Scuol. At the time I haven't yet been in a club.
It was only when I transferred to the "Bündner Kantonsschule Chur", I started working out more regularly and consistantly by joining the "BTV Chur Leichathletik".  
As I got into the 5th grade of the "Gymnasium" I had to decide for a topic for my "Maturaarbeit". I decided on organizing a popular run in Scuol. After a lot of hard work the race could be held on June 8th 2019 and was a huge success. The feedback was very positive so I decided to re-organize the event.
The name of the race is "Tras Scuol", which is romansh and means "through Scuol".
I'm very happy about each participant and I hope to also be welcoming you next year in Scuol. Everyone is cordially invited!